Take Back National Caesar Day!

The following is a call to action to support our petition to change and record the National Caesar Day to the Sunday of the May Long Weekend from its currently observed Thursday.

National Caesar Day, on A Thursday? Really?

In 2009 an AMERICAN juice company decided to host a petition to make the Caesar Cocktail our National Cocktail. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the cocktail a former Calgary mayor, and the AMERICAN juice company launched a very effective marketing campaign that declared the THURSDAY BEFORE the MAY LONG as National Caesar Day.

Thursday? Who the heck drinks Caesars on Thursday? I mean, of course we drink them on Thursday, but is that the day that should be our NATIONAL CAESAR DAY? No. Every Canadian knows that the actual National Caesar Day should be on a Sunday.

Every bar, restaurant and pub has Caesars on special on Sunday! Caesar Sunday is a thing. It's Sunday brunch, it's long weekend camping, it's Sunday's after a crazy Saturday night, it's 7am drinking at the airport its, watching football, playing slo-pitch, hockey games and more! 


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