Sundays are for Caesars

That statement seems obvious to so many, but why are being forced to celebrate National Caesar Day on a Thursday?!

Back in 2009, an American juice company took the lead in advocating for the Caesar Cocktail to be officially recognized as Canada's National Cocktail. To commemorate the 40th anniversary of this iconic drink, a savvy marketing campaign was launched by a former mayor of Calgary and the aforementioned American juice company. The outcome of this campaign was the declaration of the Thursday before the May long weekend as National Caesar Day

However, the choice of Thursday as the designated day left many scratching their heads. Thursday for Caesars? While there's no denying that many revel in Caesar enjoyment on Thursdays, some argue that it might not be the most fitting day for our National Caesar Day. According to numerous Canadians, the one and only rightful day for this designation is Sunday.

Sundays are for Caesars, and that sentiment echoes across the nation. Bars, restaurants, and pubs consistently feature Caesar specials on Sundays. Sunday, affectionately known as Caesar Sunday, has become synonymous with brunch, long weekend camping, post-Saturday night recovery, early morning airport drinks, football watching, slo-pitch and hockey games, and more. It's a day deeply rooted in Canadian culture as the ultimate time to indulge in the beloved Caesar cocktail. So, let's embrace the truth: Sundays are for Caesars, and our National Caesar Day should rightly reflect this cherished tradition.

We want to make this official and need your help.

Add your name to the official "Change National Caesar Day To Sunday" campaign petition.

Sign the National Caesar Day Petition

sundays are for caesars

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