Caesar Petition!

We want to officially change National Caesar Day (Canada's National Cocktail) to SUNDAY!

Back in 2009, this American juice company decided to push for the Caesar Cocktail to be Canada's National Cocktail. They teamed up with a former Calgary mayor, and together, they cooked up a fantastic campaign celebrating the cocktail's 40th anniversary. The result? The Thursday before the May long weekend was dubbed National Caesar Day.

But, let's be real—Thursday for Caesars? It raised some eyebrows to say the least. Sure, we all enjoy a Caesar on Thursdays, but does it really capture the essence of a National Caesar Day? Many Canadians think not. The consensus is clear: Sunday is the true day to celebrate our beloved Caesar. 

You've probably heard it before, and it's worth repeating: Sundays are for Caesars. This saying has become a rallying cry across the country. Every Sunday, bars, restaurants, and pubs offer special Caesar deals. It's practically a national pastime, from brunch to camping to post-Saturday night recovery, and everything in between. 

So, here's the deal: If you believe, like so many of us do, that National Caesar Day should officially move to Sunday, sign the petition! Let's change National Caesar Day to Sunday and take back this celebration for what it truly represents. Your signature matters, and it's time to make our voices heard. Change National Caesar Day to Sunday—it's a cause worth toasting to! Sign the petition, and let's reclaim National Caesar Day together. Cheers to Sundays and cheers to Caesars!

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