Caesar Thursday?

Caesar Sunday!

That title is a no brainer. Obviously it's Caesar Sunday.

But how did we get Caesar Thursday anyway?

In the memorable year of 2009, an American juice company led the charge in advocating for the Caesar Cocktail to be crowned as Canada's official National Cocktail. To mark the 40th anniversary of this iconic libation, a dynamic marketing campaign was orchestrated by a former mayor of Calgary and the aforementioned American juice company. The culmination of this campaign was the proclamation of the Thursday preceding the May long weekend as National Caesar Day

 Yet, the decision to peg Thursday as the chosen day sparked a collective quizzical look. Thursday for Caesars? While Thursdays undeniably witness their fair share of Caesar enthusiasts, there's a prevailing sentiment that it might not be the most apt choice for our National Caesar Day. According to a widespread Canadian perspective, the day that truly deserves the honour is none other than Sunday.

 "Sundays are for Caesars" — a rallying cry that resounds nationwide. Bars, restaurants, and pubs consistently roll out Caesar specials on Sundays, giving rise to the phenomenon known as Caesar Sunday. It's the day seamlessly woven into the fabric of Canadian culture, associated with brunch, leisurely long weekend camping, post-Saturday night recovery, early morning airport libations, football spectating, slo-pitch and hockey showdowns, and much more. 

 Let's not shy away from the truth: Sundays are for Caesars, and our National Caesar Day should unequivocally mirror this cherished tradition. So, here's to embracing the essence of Sundays, where the Caesar cocktail takes center stage in the hearts and glasses of Canadians from coast to coast.

We want to change the official day to Sunday and need your help.

Add your name to the official "Change National Caesar Day To Sunday" campaign petition.

Sign the National Caesar Day Petition

caesar sunday

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